Nagash |
Why stop at painting one large centerpiece unit when you have the Supreme Lord of all the undead sitting in your painting pile. Another miniature just crying out for the new technical paints.
Close up |
Nagash was fun and challenging to paint. I followed the Warhammer TV painting guide in so far as painting him in sub assembly and general ideas - but used my own colours in places. The purple ended up being brighter because I wanted to use army painter purple undercoat - the spirits I painted using the technique I explained in the banshee post, and the fabric is green to fit in with the rest of my army.
The transition from ghostly blue to the dark green colour is the first time I have really tried to get a smooth gradient like that. I think it looks alright, it still looks like a bit of a hard line were the dark green starts and it is definitely something I need to work on in future.
For Scale |
This model is really huge. As befits a god. One of the things I like about Age of Sigmar over Warhammer 40,000 is that age of sigmar is happy to let you play with literal deities such as nagash or ariel. Unfortunately, he wont fit on a shelf with the rest of my undead. So he has to stand on top with my imperial knights.
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