Kill Team (with two commanders) |
So what I have is an essentially an inability to stick to any one project. for every long. Or so attest the one painted miniature from Blackstone Fortress, the half a box of unpainted miniatures from the Harry Potter miniatures game and of course, my recently stripped and re-undercoated sisters of battle army. However in the February Half term my local Games Workshop is running a Kill Team tournament. I figured I would paint up a new Kill Team for the occasions and I happened to receive the Tempestus Scions kill team starter box for Christmas.
Tempestor Prime |
So the aforementioned Kill Team tournament is not, as far as I know making use of the commanders expansion. But I coulden't not make a tempestor prime. Such a badass going into battle with his stick and small fruit knife. (because the higher your rank the worse your weapons get). I think I did a fantastic job on the face. I'm a big fan of the mustache. A bit reminiscent of Sean Connery.
Lord Comissar |
Ok. Not a Scion, but heavily related to them. I have a vast collection of classic metal Commissar miniatures; none of which are painted. So I dug one out. I'm quite pleased he's not notably shorter of mutated looking compared to the plastic scions since sometimes these older models look a bit warped.
Flamer |
Used some weathering powders on the end of the flamer. These things are lethal in games of kill team where there is loads of terrain. I quite like the soulless look of the facemask and can imagine the flames reflected in the green lenses.
Steve |
This is trooper Steve. Steve has a hellblaster volley gun.
Trooper 1 |
I actually copied the paint scheme from the little booklet that came in the starter set so I suppose technically these lads are from Drop Force Imperator. I will just take any excuse to paint more red and black please and thank you. They look like the kind of boot boys that an inquisitor might whistle up to go stomp some faces no questions asked. Also, now the Commissar isn't the most garishly dressed military asset in the field!
Trooper 2 |
He has a scar. I think the scar is maybe too red. Dunno though.
Comms Guy |
Another really good face I think. My good faces feel sort of accidental sometimes. but his turned out well. I painted his teeth. Proud of that.
Not Steve |
Not Steve also has a hellblaster volley gun. And a cool bionic eye.
Plasma gun victim |
Plasma gunner with eyepatch is such a trope. I'm really not sure why this guy is pointing at the ground though. Maybe he is saying "look, my eyeball".
Sarge |
Sarge has a powerfist and a ginger mustache. He is clearly very polite while he crushes your skull like an egg.
Trooper 3 |
Trooper 4 |
Exciting end of post stuff:
1) Happy New Year (I can still say that on the fourth of feb right). I made a new years resolution to paint 500 things by the end of the year. One month in and I have painted uh, twelve. However! I have not had any holidays yet. Nor have I hit onto any of my less labour intensive projects like terrain. You will find a counter of how many things I have finished this year on the main page under my portrait thingy.
2) Helen and I attended the horus heresy weekender last weekend, and have decided to get back into 30k with an escalation painting and gaming type thing. So during february I need to paint up 500 points of my Emperors Children and play two games of Zone Mortalis with Helen. So you can look forward to that.
3) I will need to paint other things as well as heresy. If you think I should particularly paint something let me know in a comment or an email or something like that.
There was a Harry Potter miniatures game?