Showing posts with label 30k. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30k. Show all posts

Sunday 26 May 2019

Fallen Librarian

Fallen Librarian
So the second character in my Fallen Angels detachment is the Librarian. Now, technically the model is a Chaos Sorcerer; but with the fallen, it's a question of degree. As there is no specific model I decided to go for the Librarian from the old Dark Vengeance boxed set, which happily can be picked up on eBay for a reasonable sum.

The paint scheme was a matter of some debate, as there is very little in the way of description of how librarians dressed in the time of the Horus Heresy. There are references in some of the novels to the Librarians having blue robes. I decided to interpret this as being the inside color of the robes. To hint at the fact that this marine now uses spells from the Chaos spell list I decided to paint the blues in the slightly more turquoise tones used by the Thousand Sons, rather than the royal blue of most imperial librarians.

Sunday 10 March 2019

Horus Heresy March army update.

750 points of Emperor's Children
As previously advertised this month we are both expanding our forces to 750 points. I am thrilled that Helen has decided to make a post on her blog (find it in the sidebar) showing off her Salamanders in more detail. In this post I am going to talk about the stuff I have added to grow my force to 750 points.

Saturday 23 February 2019

Horus Heresy February Battle Report

The set up
Something a bit different today. As I have previously mentioned my wife and I are doing an escalation campaign of Horus Heresy. Today we played our first game. 500 points using the Zone Mortalis rules.

Saturday 16 February 2019

Zone Mortalis doors and barriers.

Doors of Excitement

Just a quick one this morning to talk about some exciting doors.

Thursday 14 February 2019

Thursday 17 November 2016

Emperor's Children: Kakophoni and friends

So I have decided for blogging my third legion, I'm going to be painting things in sort of logical battlefield squads. So, today I have 10 Kakophoni, a Rhino and an Apothecary. Usually of course the Kakophoni will only be nine strong so they can fit in the rhino with friend Apothecary.

Friday 11 November 2016

Emperor's Children: Tactical Squad

20 Mighty Tactical Marines

So, having painted all the Malifaux I was all set to order some more Malifaux, when my wife 'suggested' I might want to paint some of the other models I own. So I've decided to try and get my 30k Emperor's children painted up; if possible by the HH Weekender in February.