Showing posts with label 40k. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40k. Show all posts

Friday 15 May 2020

750 Points of Sisters.

I've now finished the 250 point chunk of Sisters of Battle that I aimed to have painted in March, meaning I can move on to the 250 point chunk I aimed to get paint in April. Getting there.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Another Rhino

I did another Rhino, much like I did the previous Rhino. See, this is why I never stick to large army projects. Because painting one of something is fun, painting the three copies of that same thing is less interesting and I have less to say.

Sunday 16 June 2019

Blackstone Fortress Ambul (Citadel Contrast)


So, in case you were somehow unaware, today Games Workshop launched to much fanfare their Citadel Contrast line of paints. Basically, a very heavily pigmented transparent paint with slightly odd flow properties. The idea is you can paint your model in just 'one thick coat' of contrast and get a passable tabletop standard.

I had pre-ordered a bunch of contrast painted in the colours I tend to favour (black, red, bone) but due to funky distribution issues, I have not yet received my pre-order. However, Helen decided to go down to Games Workshop and pick up some other contrast paints so we would have some to play with. I looked through my shelves to find something that would look good painted in mostly blues and greens.

This is the Ambull from the Blackstone Fortress expansion set which I picked up essentially because I wanted to play the game. I never had much interest in the model, and therefore it was in the 'unlikely to ever get painted' section of my staggering collection of models.

Enter contrast. This is maybe 30 minutes work bashing paint on straight from the pot like I used to paint when I was eleven. It just dries with magical highlights. Could I do better if I invested far more time? Yes! But the Ambull undoubtedly looks better with some paint over no paint.

There is a bit of mottling on the top of the carapace. It looks okay on the ambull because he is a creature. I think the contrast is going to look suboptimal on space marines, however. Best to stick to natural textured things like Lizardmen, Tyranids, Skeletons, Nurgle Daemons or Skaven.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Crimson Fists Kill Team

Crimson Fists
I know, I know these aren't Emperors Children, or Fallen, or Malifaux. Like I said nothing if not totally inconsistent.

As I have explained before I run a Warhammer Club at school and I  have had these guys knocking around my office for ages and ages. I like to have a simple project on the go so I did the basecoating and edge highlighting over a couple of lunchtimes. At half term, I decided to take them home and get the rest of the details done.

The aim of this project is kind of twofold. First of all, I had a pile of marines knocking around. The three Intercessors are from the push fit starter kit sprue: although with some conversion. The lieutenant is from the endless parade of limited edition primaris lieutenants Games Workshop seems intent on producing. So I had some models without a purpose.

The second aim of the project was to test out painting Crimson Fists, as I may decide to paint my currently assembled-but-not-undercoated space marine army this way. Let me know what you think.

Sunday 26 May 2019

Fallen Librarian

Fallen Librarian
So the second character in my Fallen Angels detachment is the Librarian. Now, technically the model is a Chaos Sorcerer; but with the fallen, it's a question of degree. As there is no specific model I decided to go for the Librarian from the old Dark Vengeance boxed set, which happily can be picked up on eBay for a reasonable sum.

The paint scheme was a matter of some debate, as there is very little in the way of description of how librarians dressed in the time of the Horus Heresy. There are references in some of the novels to the Librarians having blue robes. I decided to interpret this as being the inside color of the robes. To hint at the fact that this marine now uses spells from the Chaos spell list I decided to paint the blues in the slightly more turquoise tones used by the Thousand Sons, rather than the royal blue of most imperial librarians.

Monday 4 February 2019

Tempestus Scion Kill Team

Kill Team (with two commanders)
So what I have is an essentially an inability to stick to any one project. for every long. Or so attest the one painted miniature from Blackstone Fortress, the half a box of unpainted miniatures from the Harry Potter miniatures game and of course, my recently stripped and re-undercoated sisters of battle army. However in the February Half term my local Games Workshop is running a Kill Team tournament. I figured I would paint up a new Kill Team for the occasions and I happened to receive the Tempestus Scions kill team starter box for Christmas.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Sister Hospitaller

Sister Hospitaller
The new Adepta Sororitas list in Chapter Approved 2018 has me really excited about my favorite army. In the absence of any new models I have decided to strip and repaint most of my infantry.

Saturday 15 December 2018

Sisters of Battle new army list review.

Sisters of battle army list review: Chapter approved 2018

I don’t often do tactical reviews on here – I’m mostly about painting cool models. However I do love the Sisters of Battle, and so here are my initial thoughts on the Beta codex. Unless you play a lot of 40k, the rest of this post is going to be fairly incomprehensible.

Friday 14 December 2018

Another Dark Eldar Commander.

Dark Eldar Succubus
I managed to get a second commander painted before the painting thingy is judged. Somehow she looks much better in person then in the photograph. I think next year I am going to try and work on my photography a bit more. Although that risks becoming an expensive sub-hobby to an already expensive hobby.

I am also going to try and paint 500 models next year. And count them down on this blog.

Monday 10 December 2018


Santa Stormcast
It's nearly Christmas and stuff, which means my local Games Workshop was running it's Christmas themed conversion / painting competition. In previous years I have resisted but this year I was egged on by a colleague.

Monday 3 December 2018

More Dark eldar kill team, and a bit of a ramble.

kill team grows!
Hello! I'm not dead. Still painting. I painted five more dark eldar for my Kill Team Roster.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Dark Eldar Kill Team

I decided to make a second kill team, this time Dark Eldar. Partly I was frustrated by the Tau's total inability to kill things in close combat which is a requirement of one of the four core matched play missions for kill team. However mostly I was inspired by the addition of Dark Eldar to the Inquisitor: Martyr video game. (If you want my 5 second review of that game: It's a beautiful narrative experience for fans of Warhammer 40,000 with excellent art assets and voice acting, which is let down by repetitive game play) I decided to paint them in the very traditional Dark Eldar black-green with red accents. Also they are all girls without helmets, because it just so happens that in a Wyches box you can build six girls (out of then) and in a warrior box you can build four girls (out of ten).

I actually finished these a little while ago, as any of you who follow my instagram will know but I had to finish my dissertation, and deal with a small mountain of new school year work agro, and my back is playing up and some other annoying personal stuff. However I have finally carved out some time now so enjoy.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Tau Killteam

I am super hyped for the release of Warhammer 40,000 Kill team this Saturday. So much so that I managed to put together enough in the way of rules from blurry photographs and youtube videos to put together a Tau Kill team.

Saturday 30 June 2018

Imperial Knights

Knight Lancer
So with the new Imperial Knight stuff I realised that I could fit one of the new Armigers into a 2000 point list. I painted one up recently (he is down the bottom) but I also decided to photograph and upload my other four older knights. I should point out that the alternate head on the lancer here is also a recent paint job, which is why it looks so much better then the rest of the knight.

Friday 1 June 2018

Grey Knights... and another knight.

Tw updates a week in the small hours of the morning? Can you tell it's the half term holiday? I decided I wanted to paint more stuff and I had these guys sitting around on my half done projects shelf. So a little while back I decided to only collect imperial armies in 40k to try and cut down on the number of little painted figures I have to share my appallingly tiny flat with. (that's not working out so well). One of the side effects of this was that I needed to replace the small army I use in my school Warhammer club  when we get an odd number of students. I have always had a kinda-sorta relationship with Grey Knights. I always thought they were really cool in small numbers but was a little leery of giant armies of them. So a small 35 power army of them seems like a cool way to scratch that itch.   

Grand Master Voldus

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Shadow War Armageddon

With the release of Shadow War Armageddon I took it upon myself to paint up some extra Adepta Sororitas to use if a campaign ever surfaces at the local club.

These are on the new 'Sector Mechanicum' Bases because I thought they looked interesting.


Wednesday 8 February 2017

Inquisitor Grayfax and Friends

Inquisitor Grayfax
Finally got around to uploading a picture of Inquisitor Grayfax. Possibly one of the nicest paint jobs I have ever managed to do.

Sunday 29 January 2017

St Celestine

Group Shot

So I was indeed planning on painting my Horus Heresy stuff, and then Blood Bowl came out and now, plastic Sororitas. so obviously, I had to drop everything to paint those. I think I did darn well. Apologies for the green background, but it was probably the best contrast of the options available.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Canoness Veridyan

I have always been a big fan of the Sisters of Battle, and the John Blanche illustration that this model is based on in particular. So I simply knew I had to get hold of one. I talked about rules in my last post so this post is going to be all about the model.

Saturday 17 December 2016

Codex Imperial Agents: A Review

So, this isn't the sort of thing I usually post up but, given that Codex: Imperial Agents came out today with a new army list for the Sisters of Battle, among other things. I thought I would give some thoughts.