Showing posts with label Age of Sigmar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Age of Sigmar. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 July 2019

More Ghosts


Not much to say about these really, it's the other 10 Chainrasps from the starter box. Now they are painted, I have painted my entire 1000point meeting engagement force for Age of Sigmar. Which is nice.

The only remotely interesting detail here is that there isn't really a leader. When I originally assembled these I had every intention of running them as a single unit of 20. The chap in the stocks there is the alternate build of the leader model with the candlestick. I suppose this is the tension between collecting and painting cool models and making viable gaming pieces.

I don't think anyone I play against is going to care too much that the unit leader does not have a weird candlestick thing.

Friday 5 July 2019

Death things

Lahmian Vampire
I know, I know I can't stick to any project. Today a bunch of death models. This was spurred on by the new Generals Handbook which includes a way to play with only 1000 points of models. I put a list together, and I needed to paint up a few extra bits and pieces.

Saturday 14 July 2018

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead

Why stop at painting one large centerpiece unit when you have the Supreme Lord of all the undead sitting in your painting pile. Another miniature just crying out for the new technical paints.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Coven Throne

Coven Throne
Now that the new technical paints have come out, I can progress through my backlog of things with spirits and such on which were vaguely on hold since the two new paints I talked about in my last update were announced. First up is the coven throne.

Sunday 1 July 2018

Nighthaunt Gloom

Myrmourn Banshees
So as you probably know the new edition of Age of Sigmar launched this weekend. I had the good fortune to be up at Games Workshop HQ for the Age of Sigmar open day. One product that may have been overlooked is the two new technical paints. Nighthaunt Gloom and Hexwraith Flame. The following is my attempt at a review of those paints.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Ironskull’s Boyz

Ironskull's Boyz
I don't really like Orks. Orcs. Orruks. Green bald barbarian men. However, I had these guys knocking around due to wanting the shadespire cards, and I wanted something different to paint to refresh the creative particles. I decided to paint them in a slightly more realistic style rather then the comic book yellow style that Games Workshop use for their own Ironjaw's. I think it looks quite good, although I suppose the weapons do blend into the armour. I could have used some random black or gold or bronze or something to break it up, but there is always that tension between what colours would look good, and what colours things feel like they "should" be. This time common sense won out.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Legion of Nagash (so far)

As those (all three of you) who follow my instagram will know, I have been painting a horde of skeletons to channel the nervous energy generated at work into something useful. I completed this mammoth unit of 40 over the bank holiday weekend and decided now would be a good time to take a look at the skeletal horde I have assembled so far. 

Sunday 5 November 2017

Sepulchral Guard

Shadespire time again. The awesome Sepulchral Guard came out on Saturday, so here they are painted up.

The Sepulchral Guard

Thursday 26 October 2017

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire

Don't worry. I'm not dead. Life just conspires sometimes to give one other things to do. However as it is half term this week I have had the opportunity to dig into a hobby project.

Garrek's Reavers

Friday 9 June 2017

Age of Sigmar: Skirmish

I know, it's strange. Everyones excited about 8th edition 40k, and here I am painting up some Age of Sigmar stuff.

However, I quite like the skirmish ruleset and I think it's a really good introduction to wargaming in general.

With that in mind, we will be playing some games as a family, my wife is painting up some Seraphon and my 7 year old is painting up some Ironjaws.

I will have photographs of both of these on my blog. However, for now I am bringing you my 50 renown Deathrattle warband.

Deathrattle Warband