Showing posts with label Comment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comment. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Cheer up Kid.

As a teacher, I seem to spend half my life trying to give teenagers perspective. They have an alarming tendency to view everything in frankly apocalyptic terms. Now I think everyone needs a bit of perspective.

Friday 14 October 2016

Besieged on both sides

Other symbols of righteous anger are available

Quite a personal blog post this in many respects; but I hope to illustrate a wider political point and not cross the road into self indulgent whinging.

Friday 23 September 2016

Authenticity in politics

These days, the quality that people want more then anything else is authenticity. In film, in literature or in food. Imperfections are embraced and the mass produced, packaged and processed are dismissed.

Is the same thing happening in politics?

Tuesday 13 September 2016


Anyone who was wishing on a star for a non-miniatures post is about to regret that.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Brexit, for the last time.

If I don't screw it up, this post should be published some time after the polls close, but before the referendum result can be guessed at. That's because I don't want people to say I am trying to influence the vote, or am only saying this because of the likely outcome.

I want to talk about democracy.

Sunday 15 May 2016


Corruption has been in the news lately due to some comments made by our prime minister. This got me thinking about the left vs right political arguments I have participated in or observed. Often in the cause of such arguments folks end up citing one historical example or another were things went horribly wrong. The retort given is often; ‘that’s not a real example of <political system> that came about due to corruption among the folks administering the system.'

Tuesday 22 March 2016

On being told to be happy.

An external speaker came in recently to tell us how we could be better and more effective people by being happy. I'm a big believer in perspective and being genuinely happy as much as possible. I tend to think that nothing is ever as bad as you think it is when you are in the middle of it. Or, as I sometimes say ‘it’s hard to see the shape of a thing from inside the thing’. Trying to be genuinely happy as much of the time as possible is good for you, good for those around you and… just easier.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Technology is excellent.

Fairly recently I finally got around to watching an American TV show called 'Parks and Recreation'. Partly because two or three different people compared me to Ron Swanson. While it is true that we share a central dilemma of simultaneously advocating a small state, while at the same time being employed by that state, (and a love of single malt and breakfast foods), their is an important point of divergence.


Sunday 11 October 2015

The importance of having a hobby

My knight is cool, but only has a passing relevance to this post.

This year I have started running a Warhammer club for students at the school in which I work. It seems to be taking off, however there has been a small quantity of agro sent my way from various students.

Sir, you play Warhammer, really, isn't that for children, (most children aged 12 or above don't apply the label child to themselves). It's so stupid. Why would anyone be interested in that? 
All very predictable and to be expected. However, it did get me to thinking.

Monday 12 January 2015

What I write in my notebook

I recently purchased a notebook, and find myself writing my thoughts with my excellent new fountain pen.

I have decided, on occasion, to type these thoughts up into blog posts. Unfortunately, I cant contain myself to just one topic, so this is never going to be a particularly popular blog. But it may be of interest to those who know me.

The first post is a rather long diatribe about politics. I actively invite comment because I really enjoy that sort of thing.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Rebooted Blog

So, I have decided to restart my blog. This time using Blogger which is I suppose a little limited, but has the advantage of being free. With a bit of luck I will update this more frequently then the last edition.
Generally the blog is going to be about table top wargaming, technology, and some general comment. I hope you find it interesting. I am certainly finding typing large sections of text without a grammar checker interesting. I know blogs about a few different things don't tend to be popular. I don't expect to be popular. If a dozen people read it from time to time I shall consider myself a success.