Showing posts with label Dark Eldar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dark Eldar. Show all posts

Friday 14 December 2018

Another Dark Eldar Commander.

Dark Eldar Succubus
I managed to get a second commander painted before the painting thingy is judged. Somehow she looks much better in person then in the photograph. I think next year I am going to try and work on my photography a bit more. Although that risks becoming an expensive sub-hobby to an already expensive hobby.

I am also going to try and paint 500 models next year. And count them down on this blog.

Monday 10 December 2018


Santa Stormcast
It's nearly Christmas and stuff, which means my local Games Workshop was running it's Christmas themed conversion / painting competition. In previous years I have resisted but this year I was egged on by a colleague.

Monday 3 December 2018

More Dark eldar kill team, and a bit of a ramble.

kill team grows!
Hello! I'm not dead. Still painting. I painted five more dark eldar for my Kill Team Roster.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Dark Eldar Kill Team

I decided to make a second kill team, this time Dark Eldar. Partly I was frustrated by the Tau's total inability to kill things in close combat which is a requirement of one of the four core matched play missions for kill team. However mostly I was inspired by the addition of Dark Eldar to the Inquisitor: Martyr video game. (If you want my 5 second review of that game: It's a beautiful narrative experience for fans of Warhammer 40,000 with excellent art assets and voice acting, which is let down by repetitive game play) I decided to paint them in the very traditional Dark Eldar black-green with red accents. Also they are all girls without helmets, because it just so happens that in a Wyches box you can build six girls (out of then) and in a warrior box you can build four girls (out of ten).

I actually finished these a little while ago, as any of you who follow my instagram will know but I had to finish my dissertation, and deal with a small mountain of new school year work agro, and my back is playing up and some other annoying personal stuff. However I have finally carved out some time now so enjoy.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Finecast Followup

As promised here I have a picture of a Finecast and a metal Death Jester. Photographed most expertly by my good friend and graphical wizz Mr Chris Morris whose work can be seen here (

Mr Morris informs me this would have worked so much better if the models were undercoated in white. However, since we still have no real idea about the ability to strip paint from Finecasts black it is.

Without further ado, here we go. First the metal. (Click, as they say, for big)

And now the Finecast:

Well now, to me it seems like paint sticks to resin that bit better. Or, I was a bit more thorough then the chap I loaned the metal miniature from with the old spray. Other then that, I am hard pressed to tell the difference.

How about you?

Sunday 29 May 2011

Citadel Finecast

So, apparently I am starting a blog again. But this post isn't about that. This post is about Citadel Finecast. I'm sure I will post a "This is my new blog look at how bland it is" post later. 

So, Finecast. Its resin. Games Workshop have, in there wisdom decided to replace the popular metal ranges with resin editions. Why? Because its awesome because there hyper detailed and its equivalent to the moon landings only for hobbyists. Or thats the spin White Dwarf would like to put on things. The real reason?

China has lots of money and is buying up lots of raw materials so it can build stuff. This drives up the price of Tin, Games Workshop swap to resin because its cheaper for them. Obviously, better then passing the saving onto us is a price rise justified by this being like the moon landing (they actually claim this in white dwarf). Only for toy soldiers. 

So, I got a lift down to my FLGS to do what any sensible person would do and buy up Metal Miniatures before they vanish. My Dark Eldar army eventually needs some Harlequins. Not the best choice ever, but I love the models and the fluff. He was out of Metal Death Jesters. So I ended up with a finecast death jester. What follows are my adventures in finecast.