Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 July 2019

More Ghosts


Not much to say about these really, it's the other 10 Chainrasps from the starter box. Now they are painted, I have painted my entire 1000point meeting engagement force for Age of Sigmar. Which is nice.

The only remotely interesting detail here is that there isn't really a leader. When I originally assembled these I had every intention of running them as a single unit of 20. The chap in the stocks there is the alternate build of the leader model with the candlestick. I suppose this is the tension between collecting and painting cool models and making viable gaming pieces.

I don't think anyone I play against is going to care too much that the unit leader does not have a weird candlestick thing.

Sunday 7 July 2019



I feel like I am letting down my skeletons by painting these spoops. I like skeletons a lot. However, in meeting engagement, they really have a place because they have a little more mobility. I've had the nighthaunt side of soul wars for a long time; since a good friend of mine bought it for the storm cast and was like 'do you want these for thirty quid'.

Friday 5 July 2019

Death things

Lahmian Vampire
I know, I know I can't stick to any project. Today a bunch of death models. This was spurred on by the new Generals Handbook which includes a way to play with only 1000 points of models. I put a list together, and I needed to paint up a few extra bits and pieces.

Saturday 14 July 2018

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead

Why stop at painting one large centerpiece unit when you have the Supreme Lord of all the undead sitting in your painting pile. Another miniature just crying out for the new technical paints.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Coven Throne

Coven Throne
Now that the new technical paints have come out, I can progress through my backlog of things with spirits and such on which were vaguely on hold since the two new paints I talked about in my last update were announced. First up is the coven throne.