Showing posts with label Wargaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wargaming. Show all posts

Monday, 18 December 2017

Doctor Who?

So, I got an early Christmas present from a good friend of mine. That most intriguing of gifts, miniatures for a system you don't play.

In this case the game was Warlord Games "Exterminate!" and the set was The Twelfth Doctor and Companions. Which is good, because Peter Capaldi is my favorite of the modern era of Doctors.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Blood Bowl Grombrindal

I went to Warhammer Fest the other weekend, and while it was an awesome and fun event, things were a bit thin on the ground in terms of limited edition things to buy.

I did pick up this little chap.
Yes, he's a dwarf, but he can play for the Humans and I have decided to pick up all the star players my human team can use.

Fun to paint because he looks a little different from the rest of the team.

I did also get the Black Gobbo, but my wife is painting that one to go with her Orc team.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Nuln Sootstains

Just in time for their last game before being knocked out of the league, the Nuln Sootstains are finally finished.

I posted most of the team before; however I have now replaced the old, tiny positionals with additional new plastic models.
The Nuln Sootstains

Monday, 8 May 2017

Relic Knights

You may not have heard of Relic Knights. It launched via Kickstarter a few years ago and had a few teething problems. Happily it's second edition Kickstarter finished relatively recently and looks to have solved the main issues with the game.

Relic Knights is fairly unique in that it feels like a blend of table top wargaming and a card game. Now, being a Malifaux player the idea of using cards in a game is not new to me, however the way in which relic knights uses them is quite unique.

In Relic Knights you very rarely flip randomly off the top of your deck to see what happens, instead if you can pay for an action on a units card, it goes off. Your opponent can mitigate some of the damage dealt with defensive abilities; if they can afford to play them. Your models stats dictate how many cards you can pick up while performing an action, and the game is about sculpting your hand so you have the cards you need for your upcoming activations, which you have to declare in advance.

Anyway, the advent of the Relic Knights V2 Kickstarter inspired me to go back and paint up some of the models I got with the original Kickstarter.

One Shot and Fritz
This is One Shot, a Black Diamond Relic Knight. This was one of the models that got me interested in Relic Knights, slightly infuriatingly some of the V1 Relic Knights had scaling issues and One Shot and Fritz are quite a bit smaller then it seems like they should be.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Firestorm Armada Test

So, funny story. Over half term we were clearing out a lot of the wargames stuff we never use with a view to putting much of it on ebay. We dug out the wifes Firestorm Armada. At which point she made the saddest face known to humankind, and said "I really liked these space ships, but you would not play with mee". So, my efforts to tidy up my excess games ended up with me...buying a Dindrenzi fleet.

Secutor class cruiser

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Welcome back sports fans.

Grak and Crumbleberry

Blood bowl time again. I've painted up a few star players. Not that star players are terribly useful to me at the moment being one game into a blood bowl league. But maybe if we do a second season and maybe if I keep losing every game, then eventually the differential will get large enough to hire them. Nevertheless, the completionist in me tells me to collect all the star players I could use with my humans.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

St Celestine

Group Shot

So I was indeed planning on painting my Horus Heresy stuff, and then Blood Bowl came out and now, plastic Sororitas. so obviously, I had to drop everything to paint those. I think I did darn well. Apologies for the green background, but it was probably the best contrast of the options available.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Canoness Veridyan

I have always been a big fan of the Sisters of Battle, and the John Blanche illustration that this model is based on in particular. So I simply knew I had to get hold of one. I talked about rules in my last post so this post is going to be all about the model.

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Codex Imperial Agents: A Review

So, this isn't the sort of thing I usually post up but, given that Codex: Imperial Agents came out today with a new army list for the Sisters of Battle, among other things. I thought I would give some thoughts.

Blood Bowl!

As you are probably aware a new version of that most venerable of games, Blood Bowl, came out recently. So I thought I should show you my painted Blood Bowl figures. Starting with my halfling team. 

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Emperor's Children: Kakophoni and friends

So I have decided for blogging my third legion, I'm going to be painting things in sort of logical battlefield squads. So, today I have 10 Kakophoni, a Rhino and an Apothecary. Usually of course the Kakophoni will only be nine strong so they can fit in the rhino with friend Apothecary.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Emperor's Children: Tactical Squad

20 Mighty Tactical Marines

So, having painted all the Malifaux I was all set to order some more Malifaux, when my wife 'suggested' I might want to paint some of the other models I own. So I've decided to try and get my 30k Emperor's children painted up; if possible by the HH Weekender in February.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Adepta Sororitas Kill Team

So I'm playing in a Kill Team Tournament at the 40k Open Day in Nottingham this weekend. I had not played 40k in a good long while because I have been sucked into the Malifaux, but I got the chance to try the six possible scenarios one time each with Helen. Mostly I lost, but then Sisters are quite comparatively under powered at the moment.

I thought I'd share some pictures and the list I am taking. I painted these girls a long long while ago, and it shows in places. However, I firmly be leave that repainting miniatures is where madness lies.

Group Shot

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Malifaux: October Stuff

So the 'October' Malifaux releases arrived and I have managed to get them assembled and painted. So a bit of a thematic mixed bag today.
Mysterious Emissary

Friday, 28 October 2016

Malifaux: Von Shill

Finally got around to painting up my Freikorps stuff. In the same way as my Viktrorias I mainly have these because most of them are usable as mercenaries; however I painted up Von Schill and the steam trunk just in case I one day want to declare the outcast faction. I should say, with the exception of Hannah and the steam trunk I batch painted these guys like you would with a 40k squad and it was... tedious as all heck. I'm not sure how I am ever going to get around to painting my 40/30k again. But I'm sure I eventually will.
Von Schill

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Malifaux: Guild Mercenaries

I realise I said in the last post that the next thing I was going to paint was the Von Shill crew. However, I have been quite busy over half-term marking coursework and writing an essay for my M.Ed, so I wanted to do something fun in the evenings and I just could not face batch painting all that black and gray.

So in my giant ebay job lot, I also got the models from the starter set, now I have had a starter set previously but I sold the Guild models too a friend. Now I have decided to collect all the potential mercenary hires I thought I would paint up the four guild mercs.

Dr Grimwell

Friday, 21 October 2016

Malifaux: Viktorias

Viktoria of Ash
Viktoria of Blood
 I don't quite collect a second faction now; but I did pick up a lot of second hand mercenaries from ebay. I've painted up the Viktorias stuff. Even though I don't intend to play Outcasts, I painted up the non mercenary models. I used to have an Escher gang for Necromunda, and painting up these ladies scratched a lot of the same itch. I think these plastic Viktorias are lovely sculpts. I find it interesting that the Vik of Blood, the copy, is far more naked then the human Vik of ash. It's an interesting idea that if it not the body you owned you'd be more comfortable weaponizing it as a distraction.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Malifaux: Changelings

Very short blog post today. I painted the changelings which were the only thing to come out in September's Malifaux release which interest me.


Sunday, 2 October 2016

Malifaux: Collodi

I finally got around to painting up all the stuff for the final Neverborn master, Collodi. I've been painting these bits and pieces over a long while and there are quite a few of them. They are more cohesive then some of my other bits and bobs, I guess because they are supposed to be a dance troupe.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Malifaux: Crossroads Seven

So; I got the band painted. I don't normally do large group shots because they rarely turn out well, but I thought I would have a go.

Crossroads Seven
 I enjoyed painting most of these guys, they are very nice models. One of the nice things about Malifaux is that you are usually painting single miniatures, rather then trying to paint a squad. Which, I think is why I am able to paint them more often that I can manage to paint 40k. Also unlike 40k, almost every model in Malifaux feels significant. It's hard to really get into painting Tactical Marine with bolter #12.